Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Good Life by Margaret Manning

Margaret Manning is a member of the speaking and writing team at Ravi Zacharias International Ministries in Seattle, Washington. Below is an article from Slice of Infinity, which I found very engaging, true and helpful.

“What is the good life?” is a question as old as philosophy itself. In fact, it is the question that birthed philosophy as we know it.(1) Posed by ancient Greek thinkers and incorporated into the thought of Socrates through Plato, and then Aristotle, this question gets at the heart of human meaning and purpose. Why are we here, and since we are here, what are we to be doing? What is our meaning and purpose?
Out of the early Greek quest for the answer emerged two schools of thought. From Plato emerged rationalism: the good life consists of ascertaining unchanging ideals-- justice, truth, goodness, beauty--those “forms” found in the ideal world. From Aristotle emerged empiricism: the good life consists of ascertaining knowledge through experience--what we can perceive of this world through our senses.(2)
For both Aristotle and Plato, rational thought used in contemplation of ideas is the substance of the good life. Despite the obvious emphasis by both ongoodness emerging from the contemplative life of the mind (even though they disagreed on the source of rationality) both philosophers saw the good life as impacting and benefiting society. For Plato, society must emulate justice, truth, goodness, and beauty; so he constructs an ideal society. For Aristotle, virtue lived out in society is the substance of the good life, and well-being arises from well-doing.
Not long ago, I conducted an internet search on the tag “What is the good life?” and I was amazed at what came up as the top results of my search. Most of the entries involved shopping or consumption of one variety or another. Some entries were on locations to live, and still others involved books or other media aimed at helping one construct a good life. Others were the names of stores selling goods to promote “the good life.” There were no immediate entries on Plato, Aristotle, or the philosophical quest that they helped inaugurate. There were no results on wisdom or thequest for knowledge lived out in a virtuous life. Instead, most of the entries involved material pursuits and gains. Sadly, this reflects our modern definition of what is good.
What images come to mind when you ponder the good life? Perhaps during these trying economic times, it is difficult not to equate material items with the good life, more money, more security, or more opportunity. While it has always been said of every generation that these are times of great crisis and upheaval, we feel this search for meaning anew and afresh today, and perhaps wonder at the practicality or wisdom of looking to the past for insight or understanding into the good life.
And yet, the ancients remind us that “not even when one has an abundance does one’s life consist of possessions” (Luke 12:15). In this view, the good life involves what we do with our things, abundant or meager as they may be, and necessarily involves right living in community. Perhaps the ancient wisdom is particularlyinstructive in a time in which we would equate goodness with what we possess. “He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” (Micah 6:8) Do justice, love kindness, and live out both of those virtues in light of humility before God; this is the good life. And this is a vision of the good life, cast not when times were good, but during a time when judgment and exile awaited the nation of Israel.
The wisdom of the ancients, from the Greeks to the Hebrews, suggests that the good life can be attained regardless of circumstance or possession. It is found when we live out wisdom in justice and kindness. It is found in the application of knowledge rightly applied in relationship to the world around us. That wisdom comes from God alone, and is part and parcel of a relationship with God who is the source of what is good. The good life is not bought or sold; it is not a prime real estatelocation, or a formula for success. The good life is our life offered to others in justice, kindness, and humility.

(1) A.L. Herman, The Ways of Philosophy: Searching for a Worthwhile Life (Scholars Press: Atlanta, 1990), 1.(2) Ibid, 82.

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