Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Letter to Christian Student

Hi (name),

Better late than never. I have been thinking of writing to you for some time now. First of all let me begin by saying, how happy we are about your admission to the (XYZ University). Congratulations!!! Just another instance about God’s kindness and His grace in our lives.

Getting admission in a good Masters program is always something that is foundational to a working career. It sets the tone and directs our entire life. I and Vaishu firmly believe that God has called us to be where we are. And therefore it is our responsibility to give our best in all that we do. Because all that we do must be for the Glory and pleasure of God.
So think about this. If you study hard, then study hard for the glory of God. If you share your Christian experience with someone, do it for the Glory of God. God takes a lot of pleasure when His children acknowledge His provision and give Him thanks for all that He has done. So first of all, we believe that God has placed you in XYZ for His glory as you represent Him.

Secondly it is always easy to get diverted by overburdening ourselves with a lot of academic stuff. We get so much engrossed in our studies that we fail to give God, time in our lives. Make sure that you do not postpone spending time with God. Set aside a time every morning for 1/2 hour to read the Bible and Pray. Don’t miss this time.
Many a times, I have found that I am irritable and wavering in my decisions when I have failed to spend time in reading the Bible and spending time in prayers. If you fail to spend time now, it will get that much more difficult to do that at a later stage. (…)

Thirdly be careful in where and on what you spend your time and efforts. Above all keep yourself pure, that is the greatest gift you can give your life partner.
God is more interested in our Holiness than our Happiness, He is more interested in our Purity than our Power, He is more interested in our self control than our giving into physical desires, He is more interested in our faithfulness than our financial success, He is more interested in our endurance than our reputation, He is more interested in our Good than our desires, He is more interested in our Eternal life than our external wealth, he is more interested in our long term joy than in our short term fun.

Fourthly make sure that you do not postpone things. It is always easier to do it right 'now' than to postpone. Make sure you complete all your academic work the same day that it was given to you. Bring some structure and discipline in the way you approach studies, after all this is expected from a person who is pursuing a Masters degree.

Fifthly and finally make sure you spend quality time with Mom. Time flies by too fast to let go of the precious moments. Vaishu and I firmly believe that God has placed people in our lives, so that through them we would understand God much better.
The question is do you desire to please God, if your answer is Yes, then am sure you will understand and appreciate the 5 things I have mentioned above.

We are very happy and proud of you. This is just the first step, a first step in the right direction, however there is a long way to go...

With much love and prayers,


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