Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The debate on Homosexuality in India

Recently a Professor of the Aligarh Muslim University was suspended for being a Gay. The professor was found dead in his room after he was accepted back by the University. It is suspected that the professor committed suicide.
My intention is not to dwell on the specifics of the case, but the overall issue that is at the core. The case brought to the forefront the issue of homosexuality in India. I wrote and sent my comments to NDTV , Rediff and the Times of India and none of them posted it on their sites. The only avenue left was the space here. And so here they are....
Homosexuality in India as avid readers would know is not as new as many think it is. Infact some of the well known religious figures were not only practitioners, they were proponents as well. Narendranath Dutta or Swami Vivekananda and his guru Ramakrishna Paramahansa are 2 of the known practitioners. A more recent example would be of Satya Saibaba; stories of his sexual exploits are well published on the internet and through numerous books.
In a philosophy that’s based on the presumption that the male and female are one, is it any surprise that we find homosexuality not such a strange thing in India. Only ignorance will force us to conclude that this is some sort of a Western influence. Ancient Indian philosophy does provide basis for a homosexual relationship. People, who have been practicing such things, now find themselves courageous to say that they are gay or lesbians. Infact it may just be the 'in' thing to say or do.
Clearly Men and Women are different. Not only is this evident in adults, it is prominent in small children as well.
When the focus is on 'self', it is not so difficult to understand why we as a society have become so hedonistic.
There may be a fuller life that is possible if it is lived for others. May be the purpose of our lives is found in someone or something beyond us. If we draw our moral values from each other, then very soon we will be an extinct nation. Our moral values need to come from some one who transcends us. And who knows us better, than the One who created us?
Only when the purpose is beyond ‘self’, will we find something that we can anchor our life on. May be that anchor is God. Infact the Bible says it is God. The Bible also says that the God who created us, desires to have a relationship with us and that he WILL draw near if we draw near (genuinely seek) to him. (Book of James in the Bible Chapter 4 and Verse 8)

The above argues from a moral viewpoint, the next article would argue from a relational viewpoint.

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